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Printing for European Publishers
  • Large Print books for Kids

    Following is the details about he large print books for kids. The size of large print books for kids is 150x150mm, 8 pages include cover, materials...

  • Floating Toddler Book

    The floating toddler book made by the peva materials, inside is the sponge. The boat inside fill in the air. The floating toddler book could float ...

  • Francais Kid Book Printing

    It is the Francais Kid Book Printing for the french publishing house? Yes. It is printing for the Francais publishing house. ...

  • French Coloring Book Printing

    This French Coloring Book Printing is very interesting, have the hole on each page, which is produced in your factory? We upload the&nbs...

  • Mini Book Printing Services

    We printing such water drop shape by air filled. Size of the Mini Book Printing Services, the water drop is 65 x 85mm. ...

  • Print on Demand Children's Books

    Cyc children's book manufacturer, providing customized children's book production. More than 2000 new books are produced each year.  Delivery ...

  • Childrens Prints

    Congratulation you find the right supplier of chirldrens prints. The company work on the childrens prints over 22 years, accumulate rich exper...

  • Printing with Children

    As you know per year have many many children's publishers attend the Bologna Children's book Fair. Include us. However due to many publishers are b...

  • Printing for Kids

    What's the size of the Printing for Kids? Here this one is 120x120mm. What's the materials inside the Printing for Kid...

  • Fish Book Printing

    It is long shape Fish Book Printing? Yes, it is not pages, but a long strip. Usually the max reach 670mm, mostly the size is 430mm...

  • Printing Bath Book Farm

    Could I develop the same style Printing Bath Book Farm? Its your work, we couldn't make up the decision for you. Present this kind&nbs...

  • Waterproof Books

    CYC children's book printing is willing to become China's first brand of Bath book. We produce those category bath books print, bath book, rainbow ...


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